Author name: Barbie Burr

I am back

October 3, 2022 Wow, time has passed since my last entry. I love that I can date my first bean dish to February of 2021. I am back, with renewed bean enthusiasm. I also have huge garden enthusiasm. More to come.

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bag of beans

Plant-based recipes

Pulling together a plant based diet might seem very random, because I am pulling from a lot of different directions.  But really what is happening is that I am moving intuitively through a transitional moment.  I am opening my mind, body and spirit to wisdom from my oldest memories, while

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bowl of quinoa, almonds, flax seed, blueberries and almond milk

Yesterday,  February 25, I toasted Ezekiel cinnamon raison bread and slathered it with  almond butter.  It was high in protein, high in fat, crunchy, chewy, sweet, savory, and satisfying.  This morning I am making quinoa.   The print on the package was tiny, so I had to guess a bit

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stack of recipe books

Plant Based Recipes

Recipes! I am always short of time. I promised myself I would write today, and now I am rushing. Here is my early library, and my early recipes. Spoiler- they are all good, but fall woefully short on logistics. I started by seeing what Martha Stewart had to say, because

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